Astronomical societies throughout the UK have, in line with Government advice, suspended meetings and other activities in order to protect their members and visitors from contracting the virus.

Some societies have become very creative during this period by maintaining contact with their members using online and digital technology. We have seen a number of societies having online meetings and sharing other online content.
We have been asked by a number of FAS members to create a section on the website, where members’ can share their digital and online content.

If you would like to share your meetings with the wider astronomical community please send links to

We will upload your links, documents, lectures and other interesting online material for sharing with the wider astronomical community. Please do be mindful of any copyright issues and please provide your contact name and number so that other astronomical societies can

If you are posting other’s material such as links to material provided by Universities and the like, please seek their permission to share. A note alongside your posting to this effect indicating that you have sought permission would be helpful.

Graham Bryant
Vice President

Martin Baker
Webmaster FAS