President: Chairs FAS Council meetings; Provides leadership and support to the work by fellow Council members; Coordinates the preparation for and chairs the AGM of the FAS

Vice President Supports the work done by fellow Council members; Stands in for President when required

Secretary The point of contact between the FAS and member societies for all general enquiries; Confirms availability meeting room for FAS Council meetings; Takes the council & AGM minutes.

Newsletter Editor Compiles the FAS newsletter (3 per year) and arranges printing. Produces and issues the electronic version of the newsletter with additional contents; Seeks advertising copy for the newsletter and other publications (‘observers guide to’ booklets) produced by the FAS.

Publicity & Meetings Organiser Organises the Annual Convention of the FAS at a venue agreed by FAS Council, including arranging the speakers and traders for the event along with it’s publicity. With help from other Council Members runs the annual convention on the day.

Webmaster Maintains the FAS website, updating as required. Maintains the FAS society’s e-mail listings; acts as data protection officer.

Treasurer Keeps the accounts of the FAS and manages the FAS current and deposit bank accounts; Reimburses Council members expenses and pays FAS bills; Arranges for the audit of the year end accounts.

Membership and Insurance Secretary Processes new membership applications and manages the annual renewals using and updating the contents of the FAS membership database; provides information from the database to other Council post holders for their duties, as per the data protection document. The role also includes processing new applications for PLI cover and manages the annual renewal of the PLI cover for FAS Societies; Liaises with the PLI Insurance Company.

Dark Skies Adviser. A new position for 2020, to advise on matters relating to dark skies and light pollution.

Diversity and Inclusion.

International Liaison.

Regional Representatives Provide a point of contact and direct communication between the FAS and regional groups of member societies; provide reports of regional group activity; take part in full council discussion and are full council members

The current FAS Council, (& contact links) as elected at the 2024 AGM, are:

Name Position
Paul Daniels President
Clare Lauwerys Vice President
Shaun O’Dell Secretary
Pat McEvoy Treasurer
TBN Membership Secretary
TBN PLI Officer
Michael Bryce Newsletter Editor
TBN Publications Officer
Clare & Shaun Website Manager
Jerry Stone Publicity
Jerry Stone Meeting Organiser
Steve Tonkin Dark Skies
Phillip John Diversity & Inclusion
Jenny Shipway International & Liaison
Tony Questa SAGAS Rep
TBN Midlands FAS Rep
TBN Yorkshire Group Rep




Postal Addresses for FAS Officers

Dr Paul A Daniels
Rose Hill
High Green, Bradenham
Thetford, Norfolk
IP25 7RD

Shaun O’Dell