The Festival will take place from 22nd October to 7th November 2021 Please see and download the Festival Welcome pack here showing many activities and speakers that can be booked to attend or view online. The Exmoor National Park Festival Website
The Festival will take place from 22nd October to 7th November 2021 Please see and download the Festival Welcome pack here showing many activities and speakers that can be booked to attend or view online. The Exmoor National Park Festival Website
HAG is delighted to be starting our season for 2021/22. As always, our meetings take place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, starting at 8pm.By tradition, our first meeting (8th September) has our Honorary President, Roger O’Brien, as our guest speaker. This time his subject is “Interstellar Communication”. The next meeting is on the […]
Sigma Moray’s astronomy club is hosting a YouTube meeting 3rd Sept 7:30pm The 3rd George Fraser Memorial Lecture Presenting Prof Charles Cockell (University of Edinburgh Preparing for Space Settlements Using Microbes Goto YouTube here
National Space Centre, Leicester 13th November 2021 see here for details as they become available.
This year we will again hold our AGM via zoom The date – 16th October 2021. More details to follow (amended 13Sep21)
A Ramble through the Solar System by Martin Lunn MBE Take a journey to explore our local star, the Sun, together with eight planets, some which were known to astronomers living thousands of years ago and some that have been discovered in more recent times. We will learn about their moons together with the smaller […]
The James Webb Space Telescope by John Thatcher (Wed 18th August) 19:30BST The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST – or just ‘Webb’ nowadays) is optimised for making infrared observations in order to study the origin and evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems and is designed to look further back in space and time than […]
The Universe: Half an Hour at a Time. Have you ever wondered how the universe began, how it will end, and everything in between? Maybe you do not have the time to read the many fantastic astronomy books on the subject, or you think that they might be too technical for you to understand. This summer, GoSpaceWatch, with Dr […]