This note summarises the outcome of the above EGM and how resulting changes will be implemented. The EGM was held to consider and vote on the proposal to change the FAS subscription year to run from 1st April instead of from 1st September. The reasons for making the proposed change were briefed to member societies in advance of the EGM, including the means for societies to submit a postal vote.

A total of 83 postal votes were received in time for the EGM, all in favour of the proposal. At the EGM itself a further 5 votes for the proposal were cast by Council members and Regional reps on behalf of their local societies. There had been no votes cast against the proposal and so the EGM concluded that it was adopted by member societies.
As a result, please note the following for EXISTING member societies of the FAS:
  1. The next FAS subscriptions renewal date deadline will be 31st March 2010, and not the end of August 2009. This 6 month extension to the current membership period will be provided free of charge to existing FAS member societies.
  2. In future the FAS subscriptions renewal request paperwork will be issued to societies in mid January with the deadline for renewal payment of 31st March.
  3. Recognising that this is a transition period the FAS will still write to member societies in August 2009 to remind them of the above changes and seek reconfirmation of certain society details.
The Public Liability Insurance (PLI) scheme coordinated by the FAS is an optional item which societies can purchase for an additional fee on top of the annual FAS subscription fee. Paying the FAS membership subs alone does not mean that a society is covered by the PLI scheme.
The FAS Council has decided to change the PLI scheme annual renewal date from the end of December to the end of June. The current PLI cover will be extended free of charge to the end of June 2010 for those societies currently in the PLI scheme. The premium for the PLI cover from 1st July 2010 must be paid by 31st March 2010. The request for this will go out with the FAS membership subs renewal notice in January 2010.
The change to the FAS subscription year has required wording changes to the FAS Constitution. Here is a link to the revised constitution .
This note can be downloaded as a PDF .