The Next GoSpaceWatch Online Lecture:
Orion European Service Module – Europe’s Contribution to Artemis
by Siân Cleaver, Airbus Space, Bremen, Germany. Thursday 24th November at 20:00 GMT.

Open to all. Everyone Welcome. Tickets just £3.00 pp available from
The Talk: NASA’s Artemis programme will return astronauts to the Moon for the first time in 50 years and mark the start of a new era of human space exploration. Unlike the Apollo missions, the focus of the Artemis missions will be to create a more sustainable human presence on and around the Moon, and develop and demonstrate technologies that will prepare for future crewed missions to Mars.
The first Artemis mission is set to launch in November 2022 and will see an uncrewed ‘Orion’ spacecraft orbit around the Moon. Orion is powered by the European Service Module which, together with propulsion capabilities, provides the Orion spacecraft with everything needed to successfully sustain a human crew on lunar missions.
Siân will give an overview of the Artemis programme and Europe’s contribution to it – the European Service Module (ESM). She will talk about the achievements so far, the work currently ongoing at Airbus Defence and Space, Bremen (the Prime contractor for Orion ESM) and where the Artemis programme is headed in the next 5 years.
The Speaker: Siân Cleaver is the Industrial Manager for the Orion European Service Module (ESM) programme at Airbus Defence and Space in Bremen, Germany. Previously located at the Airbus Stevenage site, Siân transferred to Bremen three years ago driven by her dream to work on human spaceflight missions. She is now responsible for ensuring the timely delivery of all equipment across all ESMs currently under development (ESMs 3 to 6) and also heavily involved with the proposals to secure contracts for future ESMs. Open to all. Everyone Welcome.
Tickets just £3.00 pp available from