Monday 13th February 2023 at 7pm

Features Steve Tonkin’s presentation “Time and Calendars”

Newtown Astronomy Society offers you a warm welcome to join them on Monday at 7pm for their next Zoom Meeting …
To join this zoom meeting please see the info below.
The talk synopsis:
Why is the tenth month named after the Latin word for 8th? Why does the UK fiscal year begin on the 6th of April? What is the Twins Paradox? The measurement of time has always been a facet of Astronomy. The phases in the development of the Gregorian calendar most (but not all!) of us use today make a fascinating story that blends science, history, sociology, religion, and psychology. From there we look at different ways of reckoning time and examine the consequences of special relativity for time reckoning. We conclude by looking at some of the implications of modern physics for the nature of time itself.

Our Guest Speaker will be Steve Tonkin BSc (Hons), F.R.A.S.

Steve Tonkin, BSc (Hons), F.R.A.S. has been a keen amateur astronomer since childhood. He has taught astronomy to adults and children for more than 40 years and is the Dark Skies Adviser to both the Federation of Astronomical Societies and the International Dark Sky Reserve on the Cranborne Chase AONB, and being a STEM ambassador with a special brief for astronomy, he splits his time between these and doing astronomical outreach and giving talks to many clubs, groups, societies, schools, and youth organisations.
Steve has authored many articles and several books on practical aspects of astronomy. He writes the monthly Binocular Tour in the BBC Sky at Night Magazine, along with equipment and book reviews.
Steve has a website dedicated to Binocular use, The Binocular Sky, with advice and information on how to help you get the best out of your astronomical binoculars. From understanding binocular basics, through choosing the binocular that is right for you, to suggestions of objects to observe, the Binocular Sky has it all. The use of binoculars within the amateur astronomy community are actively promoted and encouraged by Steve and to help, he publishes a monthly e-zine, The Binocular Sky Newsletter, which is also available to view on the website
Steve’s own organisation, The Astronomical Unit is dedicated to Astronomy Education and Outreach, where he makes reliable astronomical information freely available to all via his website and by undertaking outreach activities, including Star-tales (astronomy-based story-telling for children and adults), giving Astronomical Talks and running Astronomy Courses. These outreach activities are run both independently and in association with local astronomical societies, the National Trust, BBC Stargazing Live, local community groups, schools, colleges, and adult learning centres.
Following the presentation, we will have time for a short Q&A session with Steve.

Guests are welcome to stay with us for our second presentation of the evening by NAS Member Dr. Tony Cook, with his regular monthly feature “What’s happening in the month ahead” which includes members’ photos.
Observations may also be shown at the end of the Zoom meeting, when we may join in an informal chit-chat amongst ourselves.

Please request payment details BEFORE 10 pm Friday 10th February

Guests (non-members) wishing to attend the presentation are asked to make a £3 per person contribution for the link details to help cover costs as we are a small society.
Please email the NAS Secretary at for information about payment by Bank Transfer (BACS) or Cheque.
Zoom Meetings are free to fully Paid Up Members of the Newtown Astronomy Society to which zoom login details will be automatically sent.

Les Fry

NAS Secretary