Supporting UK Astronomy
The Astronomical Society of Malta are organising an international collaboration entitled “Moon For All Mankind – 50”, in commemoration of the 50 year anniversary of Apollo 11 and the first human landing on the moon. Anyone from around the world can join this collaboration by filling in the following Google Form and submitting their best […]
Date: 14th September Venue: Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge Details can be found here
Castle Point Astronomy Club are hosting the BAA One day meeting on Saturday 27th April 2019 at Sweyne Park School, Sir Walter Raleigh Drive, Rayleigh, Essex, Goto CPAC’s web page BAA One day meeting flyer
Centenary of the INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION 1919 – 2019 IAU100 website Women and Girls in Astronomy Women and Girls in Astronomy Day on February 11th, the IAU are encouraging events throughout 2019 to increase participation of women and girls in science. Dark skies for all The Dark Skies for All project aims to raise awareness of the preservation […]
A new beginners guide from the Sky at Night Magazine. From 2nd to the 10th of February 2019 For more information & to sign up for the free newsletter click here
The Campaign to Protect Rural England Help us reclaim our dark skies TAKE PART: 2 February – 23 February Dark, starry skies are one of the most magical sights the countryside can offer. But light pollution means many of us can’t see the stars. We want to reconnect people with the wonder of our glorious […]
Following on from the talk that Charles Barclay FRAS (far-right in picture) gave at the FAS 2018 AGM & Convention in York we can report that the UK team has returned from the 10 day long 12th International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) in Beijing having won 2 Silver medals and 2 Honourable Mentions. […]