The 2015 FAS Convention and AGM will take place on Saturday October 24th at the University of Birmingham. The AGM documents required for the day can be found below. Draft minutes of 2014 convention
Supporting UK Astronomy
The 2015 FAS Convention and AGM will take place on Saturday October 24th at the University of Birmingham. The AGM documents required for the day can be found below. Draft minutes of 2014 convention
At the next Federation of Astronomical Societies Annual General Meeting on Saturday, October 19th there will be 5 Council posts where the current post holder will be leaving. The posts that will become vacant and the duties involved are described below. Filling these posts with new people is crucial to the continuation of the FAS […]
The FAS council was saddened to hear of the passing of David ‘Doc’ Sutton. At the age of just 16 David joined the Fleet Auxiliary leaving in the mid-1960 when he got married. After his navy days he became psychiatric nurse and this is where the nickname ‘Doc’ comes from. During the 1970s he was […]
The Federation of Astronomical Societies would like to welcome a new member society – High Legh Community Observatory who meet in High Legh, Knutsford. We wish them many successes for the future and we note that the FAS now has 192 members.
Tickets can now be ordered for the 2013 FAS Convention. The event takes place in Cambridge at the Institute of Astronomy on Saturday October 19th. A full day of talks, telescopes tours and a trade fair are planned. All of this for £5 for FAS members. More details, including booking instructions can be found on […]
The Federation of Astronomical Societies would like to welcome two new member societies. These are North Lincs Astro Society who meet in Barton Upon Humber, and Wells and Mendip Astronomers who meet in Wells. We wish them many successes for the future and we note that the FAS now has 190 members.
The FAS website now allows you to access and download your Public Liability Insurance documents. To access this please go to the PLI retrieval page, you will need your FAS login details to hand (these are the same as the Membership & Renewals system). As always we are adding new features to the FAS website […]
The 2013/2014 renewals are now due – all societies will have had an email about this and if you are looking to complete your renewal then pop over to the Updates & Renewals page.