The NASA Lucy Mission to the Trojan Asteroids by Dr Cathy Olkin from the South West Research Institute, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Wednesday 6th October at 7:30 pm BST.

Synopsis NASA’s Lucy mission will be the first spacecraft to travel through the Jupiter Trojan asteroids. Over the course of 12 years, one spacecraft will visit 7 Trojan asteroids and 1 Main Belt Asteroid. The mission is designed to flyby a large number of Trojan asteroids to understand the diversity of the Trojan asteroids. The science investigation and current state of the mission will be discussed.
About the Speaker: Dr Cathy Olkin of the South West Research Institute, Boulder, Colorado, USA, is a planetary scientist with interests in icy outer solar system worlds. She I uses near-infrared spectroscopy to study icy surfaces, stellar occultations to investigate tenuous atmospheres and am the Deputy Principal Investigator for NASA’s Lucy mission and the lead for the Ralph instrument on NASA’s New Horizons mission which flew past Pluto in 2015.
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