Astrocalendars are available now – order from the website or collect at the convention.
Astrocalendars are available now – order from the website or collect at the convention.
Just a quick reminder for everyone that it is that time again, membership renewal! Click here to start the process.
A PDF copy of the Summer 2015 FAS Newsletter can be viewed/downloaded here for your enjoyment. The back catalogue of this newsletter can be found on the newsletter page.
The Federation of Astronomical Societies would like to welcome a new member society – Tweeddale Astronomical Society who meet in Eastgate, Peeblesshire, Scotland. We wish them many successes for the future and we note that the FAS now has 208 member societies, reaching over 12960 astronomers.
In the latest FAS Newsletter there were a couple of mistakes, which have been rectified in the electronic version of the newsletter, which are also noted and amended here. There were two omissions in the list of Council members elected at the AGM in 2013. Tony Questa was elected to the FAS Council as the […]
The 2015 FAS Convention and AGM will take place on Saturday October 24th at the University of Birmingham. The AGM documents required for the day can be found below. Draft minutes of 2014 convention