The FAS would like to welcome both Ewell Astronomical Society and Stornoway Astronomical Society as members.
The FAS would like to welcome both Ewell Astronomical Society and Stornoway Astronomical Society as members.
Stargazing Live in January 2011 was a great success and forty local astronomical societies were able to take advantage of small grants funded by the Royal Astronomical Society to run special events for the general public in their areas. With Stargazing Live 2012 just around the corner, the Federation of Astronomical Societies is pleased to […]
The Summer 2010 FAS Newsletter (no. 94) is now available for download from the website. A couple of highlights in this issue are: clarification of the group public liability insurance, Introduction to Astronomical Spectroscopy and a review of “The Universe in a Mirror” by Robert Zimmerman.
Launched at the FAS Convention the 2011 Astrocalendar is now available for order! As well as the usual monthly star charts, contains lunar occultation predictions and larger scale insets highlighting noteworthy celestial events. A great read and a very useful addition to any astronomer. Currently this is £2 each (+p&p) and bulk order discounts are […]
Today is the official launch of Dark Sky Discovery – a pioneering new national and regional partnership of astronomy and environmental organisations. The FAS is part of the National Steering Group and are keen to get all UK astronomy societies involved in the project. The Dark Sky Discovery project is based on the successful Dark […]
Held on Saturday 15th October, at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, the Annual FAS Convention proved to be a great success with 199 attendees spanning some 59 different astronomical societies from all over the UK. Excellent talks were given by Carolin Crawford (IOA), Nick Hewitt (BAA), Nik Szymanek, Prof. Albert Zijlstra (Head of Astrophysics, […]
The Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) is carrying out a survey of outreach and public engagement work in schools, science centres and other community settings. This exercise is not intended to cover work carried out by professional scientists in higher education and government research facilities so astronomical societies are within the target audience for the survey. […]
Most of the astronomical societies in the FAS operate their own websites. So the FAS Council decided to review all the member societies websites and pick what it thought were the top 3 websites. We did not tell you about this in advance because we wanted to judge the websites as they currently are. The […]